An act of kindness:

Areeba Munir
4 min readDec 12, 2020

We all know that how majority of the people are attracted or bended towards people who gives off an optimistic vibe and have compassion towards other people. Not just having but using a heart and mind both is what makes you a human. So its never a good idea to have a despondent attitude towards life as you attract what you are and what you think so, to kick off this drudgery try to live for others once as it will give such satisfaction and happiness that you have never experienced before and will not be forgetting anytime soon.

So, what this piece is really about?? I did give you a hint above!! So, I am going to show you that how easy it is to take yourself out of self immersion and be selfless even if it is just for a day. Following is the compendium of my 5 random act of kindness throughout the day that is not much but I do believe in less is more as this is my initial step onto this path.

1# Taking record of my mothers medicine:

We all understand that how our parents are growing old as we are aging so I feel its obligatory to take care of the and don’t leave them alone at this period of life as its a famous Urdu quote that interprets as treat kids and elders equally as they both need our support and love more at this stage. So take care of their medicines doctor’s appointments etcetera.

My mother’s daily supplements.

2# Making tea for my parents:

In Pakistan, majority of us begin our day with tea so it is something I do everyday but little things do make a major impact I feel and passes on the warmth and love you feel to them.

How one can start their day without CHAI??
How one can start their day without some chai??

3# Watering the plants:

You must be thinking how watering plant can be an act of kindness. Yes, they are plants and used for the ornamental purposes but they are living beings and needs your maintenance. A research shows how plants do respond to positive and negative sounds around them such as music will thrive its growth and high frequency sounds will delay or disrupt the procedure of their growth. So if you love plants, be responsible towards their sensitivity.

Giving water to my room’s indoor plant

3# Doing laundry:

Despite your professional tasks you should not look away from house chores as we all have responsibility towards our home, your parents aren't the only one living in that house and they have jobs too but they are not looking away from fulfilling our needs emotionally and financially so ensure helping your parents in all the house chores. Me and my mother do laundry on weekends as she is a working woman, helps us save time.

4# Helping a friend:

Someone has rightly said “A friend in need is a friend indeed”

Yesterday my friend was not feeling well and could not be able to complete her assignment so I helped her out to reduce her burden that is the least one can do.

5# Resolving queries of team members:

I am currently enrolled in a fellowship program that also requires team work and from these projects I truly understand the essence group tasks. Whenever a single one us is stuck at any point all the other members do try to solve their issues despite having their own pending work. Whenever I get such a chance to do so I do try wholeheartedly to solve other person’s query and create easy for them. The example is given below.

It’s hardly a 2 minute conversation but helped somebody in fulfilling their task

All these little things done by me, with the intensions of bringing ease to other’s lives. What all these things holds for us?? The answer is peace, happiness and serenity that you cannot find anywhere else except in serving others.

