Pre-resolving with Pomodoro:

Areeba Munir
2 min readDec 31, 2020

There are some days in which you feel there is nothing much to do. A day, so empty that you start to feel unproductive and for me those days are the worst more than the days that I have overworked because I feel good about myself when I am productive, it is as simple. I always prefer to do something because as a person with a not so optimistic mindset and deliberately pushing myself to be that I usually starts to get into depression and anxiety so to keep away my thoughts I keep myself extra busy and keep on indulging myself in work.

But the treat is that this article is not about those days. It is about how to create more and more with the little time you have and stop pitying yourself (as it is the worst thing a person can do to their potential and productivity) and how to be the best version when you are not feeling the same that’s where pomodoro technique comes in handy and does not let your thoughts take over your mission.

Now jumping onto something more rational rather emotional and let’s begin with my experience with pomodoro technique. The first thing that I applied this technique upon is my project work, nothing unusual right? As I was lagging behind due to multiple factors I set my alarm and started working with an aim of fulfilling the the task to complete my first course in 25 minutes as it was just 40 % left but I was wrong as I was keep picking up my phone and did 2–3 attempts of resetting my alarm but I did not loose hope and at my 4th attempt I did work for continuous 25 minutes and did complete my course also, it was surprising as for the first time I kept a keen eye on my performance and I understood that this experiment is not as easy and linear for someone who can easily loose focus. But even after such performance I did not forget to treat myself and had scrumptious dinner and then attended my circle meeting.

To sum up, this technique is really challenging and showed results in my case and once you become a pro at it you can make it more challenging by expanding your time limit and achieving a higher level of efficiency.

